Commercial Roof Replacement Design
Source New Roof Replacement Design Documents With Our Commercial Roof Replacement Design Services
Once an informed decision has been made about your roofing system with our inspection services, our project managers can prepare comprehensive design documents. These documents can include:
After preparing these schematics, we’ll design a plan that fits your needs. We always come to a final new roof design that stands the test of time, saves money, and meets specific needs. Our specifications take a holistic approach to your roofing needs. We consider all the circumstances and requirements that impact the project, such as structural deck replacement, additional drainage provisions, and interior protection to maximize results for you and the contractor you choose to work with.
When an owner works directly with a contractor to select their new roof system type, selections are not always made in the best interest of that owner. Instead of getting you the right materials, they’ll get you the affordable ones. Instead of developing blueprints that are built to last, they’ll develop blueprints that are easy to build. Instead of building the right roof for you, they’ll build the right roof for them.
Our commercial roof replacement design services give you design documents from an expert third party whose only interest is meeting your long-term roofing needs.
We’ll even help you through the entire bidding process, and will recommend specific contractors, conduct on-site meetings, tabulate their bids, and provide a final recommendation for who to award the contract to.
Get in touch with an RCS professional today for your free estimate. With over 800 years of combined experience and thousands of international design documents under our belt, we’re sure to meet your needs.
While we’re happy to create roof design drawings for you, we offer a wide range of services beyond inspections and designs. We can also help out with:
Need professional roof consulting services that you don’t see listed above? Reach out to us! Our professional team is capable of all things roofing.